
Monthly Update: June 2024

August 2, 2024

Blog Post:

Hello to our thousands of followers around the world!

Welcome to the HQ monthly update for June 2024. This month has been a whirlwind of activity and progress, and we're thrilled to share all the exciting developments with you. PRO Development Complete

The highlight of this month is the completion of the PRO development. We’re on the cusp of launching this game-changing computing solution to businesses worldwide. This marks a significant milestone in our journey, and we couldn’t be more excited about the potential impact on the global computing landscape.

Stay tuned for the official launch announcement and be prepared for a new era of advanced computing capabilities!

Integrating VIP Partners

As we prepare for the general release and public access of PRO, we’re also focusing on integrating some of our VIP partners. We’re proud to announce partnerships with Devolved AI, who are among the first to experience the capabilities of PRO.

Their support and collaboration are invaluable as we move forward, and we’re eager to see the innovations they will bring to the table.

First-Ever Galxe Campaign

June also saw the launch of our first-ever Galxe campaign, and the response was nothing short of phenomenal!

  • 371,799 people entered the giveaway.
  • Over 500,000 people joined the space.

This community activation exceeded all our expectations, and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who participated and engaged with us.

Looking Ahead: More Galxe Sprints

Building on the success of our initial campaign, we’re excited to announce that our next Galxe sprint is coming soon. Make sure to follow our quest page to stay updated and be the first to participate in our upcoming events.

Thank You!

As always, we are deeply grateful for your continued support. Your enthusiasm and engagement drive us to push the boundaries and achieve greater heights. Stay tuned for all important updates in July!

Thank you from the family.

That’s a wrap for June 2024. Exciting times are ahead, and we can't wait to share more milestones and updates with you next month!

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Summarize’s unique position, the growing demand for cloud computing, and how is poised to meet this demand on a global scale. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Stay up to date with our latest developments.