
Testnet payouts

May 13, 2024

Reward Calculation Overview

The rewards for our testnet participants were determined based on the energy costs in Germany. To show our appreciation, we're not only reimbursing these costs but also adding an additional 50% bonus. Each participant will thus receive their energy costs plus a 50% bonus, all converted into NCDT at a rate of 7.5 NCDT per NUCO.

Important notice

We request that all testnet users have the following steps complete & sent in to us by the 31st of May in order to receive your rewards.

Comparative Profit Analysis Across Different Countries

  • Germany:
    • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Germany): They sometimes provide insights into energy statistics, including prices. Link to website
  • Poland:
    • Statistics Poland: Official statistics portal that may include data on energy prices. Link to website
  • Brazil:
    • National Agency of Electricity (ANEEL): Brazilian government agency responsible for regulating electricity prices. Link to website
  • United States:
    • U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA): Provides detailed and updated data on energy prices across the U.S. Link to website
  • United Kingdom:
    • UK Government Energy Price Statistics: The government's official portal for statistics on energy prices in the UK. Link to website

Step-by-Step Instructions to Claim Your Rewards

To ensure you receive your testnet rewards efficiently and securely, please follow the detailed steps below:

  • Prepare Your Wallet Information:
    • Open your MetaMask Wallet and Anchor Wallet.
    • Confirm that your testnet username is displayed within the Anchor Wallet.
  • Capture a Screenshot:
    • Take a clear screenshot that includes your testnet username in the Anchor Wallet and your ETH ERC-20 address in MetaMask.
  • Contact Support:
    • Send the screenshot to our Official Support Account on Telegram through this link: Official Nuco Cloud Support.
    • Accompany your screenshot with the following message: "Hey team! Here is the information requested to receive the GO TestNet payout. Here is my ETH ERC-20 Address to send the NCDT to: [Your ETH Address]. Please MAKE SURE this is correct."
    • Ensure the screenshot is attached as an image in your message.

Important Security Reminder:

  • Always verify that you are interacting with the correct Telegram account by using the link provided above to prevent any fraudulent activities.

Payout Timeline

To ensure there is no selling pressure, this is a manual process so they are not all paid out at once, and will take around 2 weeks to complete. We aim to complete all transactions by early May. We ask for your patience and understanding while we ensure that each participant receives their payout securely and accurately.

Stay Updated

We encourage you to stay tuned to our official communications for any updates regarding the payout process. This will include all necessary details and the official announcement once the payouts are processed.


We value your contribution to the GO testnet and are excited to provide your well-deserved rewards. Your active participation is vital to our continued growth and success, and we look forward to further enhancing our services with your support.

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